
Social security number
You fill your social security number or date of birth here. If you have registered yourself on this site before, you can fill in your number and press the button GET to collect your latest data automatically. If you do not wish to state your number, then you can put whatever number you want, but try to get it as complex as possible to avoid other persons using the same number.

Club or city
Write the name of the motor club that you are a member of. If you are not a member in any motor club, just write your home city.

Type of license
Choose in the list the type of license that you posess (international if you do not have a Swedish license).

Class if co-driver
If you belong to a class, enter it here.

Enter your name here. Will be presented in all lists and results.

Enter your street address here. Important if the competition management need to send out information, e.g. if the competition is cancelled.

Postal address
Enter your postal address here. Important if the competition management need to send out information, e.g. if the competition is cancelled.

Enter your nationality in short format, e.g. SE, FI, DK or NO.

Enter your e-mail address here. Important if the competition management need to send out information, e.g. if the competition is cancelled.

Enter your phone number here. Important if the competition management need to send out information, e.g. if the competition is cancelled.

Registration no
You fill the registration number of the car you are going to compete with here. If you have registered the car on this site before, you can fill in the number and press the button GET to collect the latest data automatically.

Brand, modell
Enter the brand and model for the car here. Will be presented in all lists and results.

Manufacturing year
Enter the manufacturing year for the car here. Will be presented in all lists and results.

Choose track
Explanations for NEZ:
- U is for foreign competitors who wants info in English.
- S is for swedish competitors (info only in Swedish).

Note: This is NOT different classes - just in which language you wish the information.

Series participation
Choose a series if you want your results to be accounted for in that series. Probably not needed for international competitors.

SPORTident number
If you have a SPORTident card that you will use on the competition, you can enter its complete number here to facilitate the handling on the day of competition.